Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Getting a Story in Audience

Last week I got a short story accepted for publication in Audience literary journal. I'd already been published there before, but it was nice to be published there again since I hadn't published with them for almost two years. It's also nice to see that this journal that has published me twice now has survived two whole years, no small feat for a small press and literary journal. What makes me happiest about this publication is that about a month and a half ago now, I went through a short story collection I was putting together to send to some contests and I noted that two stories in particular "Reaching Lincoln Center" and "Nowhere-On-Hudson" were really good stories that I wanted to see published. Looking back on it, I couldn't think of why these stories hadn't been published yet. So I sent them out to a few literary journals and within two weeks Skyline Literary Review had accepted "Reaching Lincoln Center" for publication and last week Audience accepted "Nowhere-On-Hudson." So within two months of my deciding to get these stories published, they have been published. In fact both stories have gone to print and can be bought in journal form. It's nice when things that you want to happen, happen. Now if only I could accomplish this feat with regards to the publication of my novel that my agent is trying to sell.