Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Left

My brother told me the other day that he wants to be the Bill O'Rielly of the left wing. I'm not exactly sure what he meant by that, but I think he wanted to shout really loud and get people to listen. I agree that people really don't listen anymore. Not to much of anything, not unless you scare them into believing they're going to go to Hell. But people are only scared of Hell in the abstract. Believe me, most people do things that are quote unquote Hellworthy all the time and they don't bat an eye. It's when they can walk around swinging baseball bats and complaining, that's when Hell becomes a weapon. and I kind of understand what he's saying. There is no left wing in America right now. Not at all. Liberals...Democrats, they are not the left. And it's not as if I love the left. Not a fan of Mao, not a fan of Stalin or even Lenin. But there is something to the left and I think the right is just out for themselves. The left might be dumb sometimes, but the right at this time in history is just plain evil. Sorry. And I wish it were the sixties, back when the left meant something, when it did something. I think it would be best for the world if the American democrats folded into the republican party, because they're basically republicans anyway, and a new party emereged. I know the left has it's problems, but we have not have a left wing in the last ten years, not at all and look what has happened. To culture, to politics, to the economy. Something needs to happen. So maybe my brother is right. I start working on a novel based on the Paris 1968 riots next month, so we'll see how "political" I get as I research it.

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